Forest Child
My wildflower, forest sprite—
I'll paint you pictures of all your light
For words could not do it justice.
Imagine myriads of stars
Above the velvet tops of trees
—The greenest in the forest for you—
Imagine tiny daisies growing
By your softly treading feet
As you delve into the Song of Yourself
‘A blade of grass is the journey-work of the stars’
But you, my love,
Are the Northern Lights shining
For all the world to see
—Infinite light is your beauty—
And as we look to the sky
—Lost in the Labyrinth—
You’re forever an inspiration
To follow the dreams
That turned sour on us all.
And I know you found the key
—Even if you don't know it—
Because when leaves fall in autumn
In a million colors of solemn sunset,
You are the one they look to
—Forest Child—
To find the hope of springtime.
And you tell them you're not sure
If warmth will ever come again—
But they know,
Solely by your presence,
That spring’s already here.
You see those millions of stars
Refilling your heart?
For everyone you've changed
Is giving back your beauty.
The stars shine for you, love—
But they do nothing more
Than reflect your own light.
You are the springtime
And the sunshine that smiles
Through all the miles you run
To get away from it all
—You don't have to run away from this—
You are the springtime
And the spirit that arises
When all hope has been lost.
And I know you feel otherwise
Because all you see
Is the dead of winter—
But you have no idea
How many flowers
Are about to bloom
Because of your light.
I love you, Forest Child.