Food For Thought



Walking lost in the thoughts of tomorrow

I followed the aroma that rose from the kitchen,

My nose led me to the dining hall.

For a brief moment, I forgot I was swiftly moving

Towards a restaurant in Kanchipuram.

There I found the tables laid out in two rows

Some with freshly washed Banana leaves and I was hungry.

Down south, food served on banana leaves is healthier,

Spoons and forks, these are not used to eat food.

I had my fill of curd rice with methi sambhar and tomato rasam, avial etc.

Added to it was a glass of buttermilk.

I am fond of this fare if it is not too spicy.

You have heard stories told about my love for food

I beg of you; do not make fun of me, do not say I live only for food.

Why should I hide my craving for food?

After partaking a few morsels, do we not find food satisfying?

Do we not all work for and survive on food?

Are we not ourselves the food for Death?

Is not Hunger the only truth?

Is not Hunger verily Death?


This poem is about: 
Our world


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