On Fleek and Flawless

On fleek and flawless is the new black; or shall I say in the most traditional way;

of how people find themselves coloring their faces and chemically straightening

Plumping their lips and tucking their self-image, lipsuctioning their originality with

poisons that manifest and reflect the worlds ideas of perfection

Here I stand, with kinky hair, my signature piece, that makes people stare

My large forehead to match my massive eyes, with mocha skin that tantalize

My style is quite relaxed, always seeking the comforts of soft materials- previously worn, you know

those items that people discard to find new ones

I am an artist, that likes to renew, to embellish old things and rebirth a new

You may look at me, and wonder why I sport my unibrow, my vintage look, my colorful style

While you are looking for the new fad, what color to change your hair to enhance what you once had

I am comfortable in knowing that I am the one and only

You look at me, at what you see, is a girl completely comfortable, being free

You see, I am already a piece of art- made by the almighty, perfected in his image

I have no desire to write on my skin, color my hair, or perhaps bleach my skin

I am that mocha beauty with massive eyes, a large forehead, and a unibrow

I am completely satisfied and happy with who I am, from my feet to my body, and even my kinky curly head

So when I look in the mirrow, what i actually see, is fleek and flawless natural beauty.

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