Filling an Absence
There is no darkness
Only the absence of light
At least, that’s what people keep trying to tell me
If there is no darkness
Then what have I been wallowing in all this time?
What has been engulfing my soul
Swirling in great, thickening clouds around my being
Until no one seems to notice me anymore?
There is no coldness
Only the absence of heat
At least, that’s what people keep trying to tell me
If there is no coldness
Then what has been gripping my heart
With its creeping tendrils of ice?
What is that feeling that swells in my stomach
Each time someone’s gaze shoots straight through me?
They say looks can kill
But what they don’t know
Is that the absence of them
Can have an even more dire effect
When I rise every morning from a fitful sleep
The curtain does the opposite
It falls across my anguished features
Hiding me from the rest of the world
That’s where useless things belong
Out of sight
Or so they say
These cruel words spill from the lips
Of those who refuse to accept me
Mocking gestures fly from the arms
Of those who refuse to embrace me
And the curtain grows thicker, more opaque
With each pair of eyes that skitters past my face
But there are many other things that they don’t know
Things that no one will ever know
Unless someone chances to throw a glance in my direction
If their gaze were to raise the curtain even a tiny bit
They might discover something
They might see that I wear blue more often than any other color
Not because it reflects the way I often feel
But because it reminds me of the endless expanse of sky
That stretches over the heads of every human on earth
Reminding them that our world is bigger
Than they could ever possibly know
And because it reminds me of the vast depths of the oceans
That stretch beneath the boats of every man fishing for a better fortune
Reminding them that there is always more
Than what exists simply on the surface
They might see that I take the stairs two at a time
Or that I run from place to place when no one is watching
And when I really think no one is watching
Sometimes I skip
They might see that I can’t carry a tune to save my life
But I often let tunes carry me
Because I believe that good music can in fact save a life
If only we would pause for a moment
And let the throbbing notes pulse within our veins
They might see that I’m a bit self-conscious when I smile
Because I think it makes my cheeks look too big
But all I’ve ever wanted to do in life
Is make other people laugh
They might see that despite all the darkness,
Despite all the cold shards of ice,
There is a spark growing within me.
A spark of self-assuredness
Flourishing in my determination to no longer be ignored
Every ounce of newfound confidence feeds the growing inferno
Which soon starts to lick at the edges of the curtain
No more will I endure the cold, dark stares that cast me into nothingness
The fire burning inside my soul produces an abundance of light and heat
No longer will I be filled with an absence of something
The flame of my assertion will burn away the curtain
That has for so long shielded me from view
This fire will leave only a smokescreen in its wake
As I wake up one morning, finally ready to face the real world
Regards of whether the world is ready to face me
And then, eventually, even that smokescreen
Will fade