list your fears.
strike heights
from the column
and replace deception
with truth:
the fear of falling—
in love.
the way words
fall from your lips,
from your fingertips,
the way hair falls
like water down your back
as she brushes it away
to let hands fall
on your back.
your eyes fall
to the ground
because fear of falling
makes us fall apart.
close the gap,
let the words fall,
fill the space
with all that tumbles
into the abyss—
tears on cheeks,
laughter behind teeth,
questions of mind,
hopes from a wooden heart.
we all fall.
but from some
great falls,
she couldn’t put you
together again.
so here you are,
at the edge,
grasping at empty spaces
and how far away you can be.
fear of heights.
but you are looking at her,
and you aren’t afraid of leaping
until the rush,
the between and beyond of air around you,
air leaving lungs.
remember your real fear:
the fear of falling.
the way you fall alone,
the way you have time to wonder
how much it will hurt to hit the bottom.
the way she is watching
and could not save you
because she is not falling,