Fate works in mysterious ways
Putting me through pain on most of my days
Mental and physical, it has no preference
For in my mind pain has taken up residence
But still I wonder for what reason this is
That longevity is not for laughter, happiness, nor bliss
Why me! I cry at this world
As I lay in bed alone and curled
The thought rises again, why me
A voice answers this time, why can't you see?
Who are you I demand an answer! I'll wait.
It is I who controls all, it's me, it's fate
Are you here to mock me and laugh in my face?
No child she says as she wraps me in an embrace
I'm here to guide you on a better path
I do this for love, this is not my wrath
You see, what you want is not always the best
Just close your eyes, and to me leave the rest
For I have plans, plans for you
Ones that you'll love to do
Just because you cannot have it now
But when you do, all you'll say is wow
So be patient and please stay
For I am Fate and I work in a mysterious way