Far off sounds
Those distant sounds
You lie awake at night and hear
The train crossing miles and miles away
Its rocking cars and blaring horn cutting the night air
When there’s no competing noise
Far off sounds, those distant sounds
I lay just barely awake and hear
The motorcycle winding out each shifting gear
Its whining engine defiant for its size
When there are no other sounds to rival
Daytime noise surrounds us
The world an ever-constant din
Look up and chances are you’ll see a plane
Without noticing the whirring of the props
But in the quiet of the night you lay awake
Those same whirring waves are on a mission to your ears
The darkness is mysterious
When the busy hive of life is still
Those distant sounds bring solace
Knowing the hive will wake come morning and tonight
Some bees drive trains, ride motorcycles, fly planes