It sounds so simple.
A cliche some might say.
But to me,
Losing my faith would be as if I lost my sanity.
My faith in God is a necessity.
Without it, life would mean nothing.
I need my faith to pull me through.
To give me comfort that God knew.
That He'd know my struggle and give me peace.
And I know that I'm a daughter of the King of Kings.
I truly need it.
Or else I'd be so lost I'd quit.
Quit trying to stay alive.
And let death take me without a fight.
Without faith, I'm an empty shell.
Who I'd become, none could tell.
Sometimes it only takes for me,
For me to have faith the size of a mustard seed.
Then I can finally believe,
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
It's vitally important.
I know we all will need it,
when Gabriel blows that trumpet.
So what do I need
For the island of solidarity?
Faith is all I need.
Even as small as a mustard seed.