Excuse Me
Its okay for me to
Talk about pussy, money, and weed
But the moment my content
Begins to precede just blowing trees
I’m a dweeb
or I’m a nerd
I’m a geek
And not allowed to be seen with you
In the streets
Well, excuse me for my soul being
Equidistant, to the books you dispose
And the ones you despise
Excuse me for learning the
Who, what, when, where, why, and how
Of my predicament, The embitterment
Rather than the
Who of fashion
And the what
Of the music industry
My interests surpass
The one dimensional entity
Of the coonified media
For I am too dignified to be
An entertainer of her
Flocka clings to brick squad
Being the infamous wild boy
Who is now the loud boy
You need to get your head out of
The clouds boy
You have just become the
New Jim Crow’s clown
You toy
“The slave left the plantation
Stood in the sun
And came back”
The epitome of what we tend to do
Nicki sings “Stupid Hoe”
With her rear in the air
That’s right
That ass you shake
Is the ass of yourself you make
I am pure, raw, and uncut
Raw like your music
But too pure for you to
Much like how it was once
Impossible for you to read and write
At the age of ten
I am too radical
Too revolutionary
Too logical
Too empowering
Too emancipating
Too liberal
For your moderately tuned ear
So ready to move back and forth
At the orders of club music
But too removed to go
Back into the history of one’s ancestry
And forward into the life of
The Enlightenment
What a despot I am
Excuse me??
Excuse you
It is you who chose to
Trade your
Malcolm, Your Martin,Your
Garvy, Your Ida, Your Nat,
Your Cookman, Your Waters,
Your Booker, Your Bethune,
Your Angelou, Your Assata,
And assimilate
To the point where you only
Can relate
To buffoonery
The true definition of a coon
To me
Excuse you for becoming
The embodiment of self- degradation
The modern Topsy
Excuse you for furthering the
Erroneous stereotypes at hand
You aggressive, unruly
Predator of a man
Excuse you for
Continuing the racial caste
Of this country
Excuse you for being so ignorant
That you do not recognize
The chains wrapped around
Your brain, The Power
Running through Your veins
And the shackles
Bound to your feet
Making you a slave
Excuse you for buying stock
In the gentrification of Your Community
Rather than the restoration of it
Where you see the three part corruption
And now even four
The liquor stores,
The banks,
The churches,
And the penitentiaries
All wrapped into One
Do you see what
The lack of your cognizance
Has done?
Excuse you
Nap time is over
It is now
Nat time
The games
They’re over