Everything’s Changing
Everything's changing,
I’ve always had a perspective of how life would happen.
Of how I would begin and end,
Everything's changing.
I used to see my family as angels now there monsters haunting my dreams.
My friends have grown up and drifted to the other side,
Everything’s changing.
The world is still a bad place to live in, and that will never change.
And me?
Well, I’m still the same person, but some things are changing.
Emotions pouring out, secrets kept in,
Misunderstood from the looks of other eyes.
But I can't pause, play, and rewind it,
Can only leave it behind.
Moving forward with life is the key.
I was different then and I’m different now.
In with the new and out with the old.
Find that lost person,
To find the real you,
Everything's changing.