Ephemeral Thoughts

I just want to talk.
I want to hold a conversation.
Hold your voice in my mind.
Let your sound play tricks with the tingle sensation buttons on my spine.
I want to give you the utmost respect.
Listen to every word.
My responses may not be perfect.
But I give you my word.
My intentions are in check.

I just want to hold a conversation.
Hear your laugh
And see it dance around my cranium like stars
Because im dazed.
Dazed by how intricately you weave words together to leave me speechless.
Dazed by you.

I want to hold a conversation with you.
Talk and talk and talk
Take a walk down a street and get lost because we weren't paying attention.
Get lost in the vastness of your imagination.
So now there is two places that I gotta navigate.
Forget the touching, 
I cant stand society's way of showing affection.

I want to have a conversation.
Let your words touch me
And mine touch you
Until we're drunk off the sweet taste of each other's soul
I just want to talk.
I just want to talk



Deep and very good choice of words


When you find someone like that hold onto them. If you already have then you are lucky. Being able to talk with someone about meaningful things for hours is something most people can't even fathom. This piece describes that feeling beautifully. Though you don't ay it this is without a doubt a love poem. Have you shown them this piece by any chance?


Thank you. But no I haven't shown it to them yet

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