Depression is weird
Having depression is weird
Because you can be at the lowest point of your life
So sad that your arms can’t move
So sad that your eyes wont stay open
So sad that every sky is a grey sky
And holding on seems like holding up the moon
But nobody knows besides you
Nobody knows how close you are to collapsing.
Crashing down like a house of cards
Or a building scheduled for destruction
And you are too afraid to tell them
Afraid that by opening your mouth you’ll scare them away
The few people who might still love you
Who might still love: you, hollow cavern
Where crystals once shined
You, empty gold mine
Where men lost their minds
Having depression makes darkness feel like a familiar old friend
So familiar he knows your parents on a first name basis
Knows all your favorite things and how to kill them
So familiar with your mind
And the ways you punish yourself for existing
Depression is the cold front on a sunny day and no amount of raincoats will fix it.
No umbrella will hold back your tears
Depression is a mind reader
A shapeshifter
And every moment you truly felt alone
Will be played on repeat in the depths of your mind until you get lost there
Drowning in the abyss of your own worst case scenarios
Today I was so sad I couldn’t lift my arms
I was so sad I couldn’t get out of bed
I was so sad that every mole hill became the volcano I decided to throw myself in.
I am not ok
I don’t know when I will be ok again
And I’m sure I will be ok someday
But right now I am sad
And the people I love most are ghosts on these days
And the people I love most aren’t here
And I can’t be sure I would tell them if they were,
But the last time I told a man I loved him
He called me a liar
And I’m hoping that someday he’ll be right
But right now I am missing him
Or missing the person I used to be before him
Or with him
A happier person
Or someone who was better at pretending
And right now I know I don’t need him
I know to take him back would kill me this time
But when I’m sad
Really this sad
All I want is to be loved
To know that someone is there
That I am not alone
On this tiny floating rock in this dark endless universe
But perhaps I am
So when your friends with depression go quiet
When you see them fade away from view
Or pull away from you
Do not be angry
Do not be offended
Or assume that they do not like you
Instead reach out
Tell them that you love them
That you’re here and Friday is coming
Or merely that you care
Because chances are
They are breaking
They are crumbling to pieces so quickly
and dying to know if anyone is there.