Dear Twin
It's something special
Between what you and I have.
The bond that enlightens me
And I know you see it, too.
Funny how you and I were once strangers
But then came the beginning, and it was such a blur,
Thanks to the fun days that followed.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Slowly came blooming into view
The link we've come to know.
We found that we closely resemble each others personalities
The hobbies we share tie us together.
Though, I secretly wish we could be more
Than what we see.
It's hard not to think of you
Grabbing my hand,
Telling me to come with you
And set myself free.
Is it wrong to feel this way?
But for now, I endlessly enjoy what we are today.
Having you around is one of the best things
The universe has gifted me.
You always find the most positive things
To say about my being.
You understand my words better than anyone else.
We nerd out like we've done this our whole lives
Even though it's been only a short time.
I hope we never take for granted
The red string that binds us together tightly.
So this is for you,
My dear twin.
May we take our bond further
Into the light of the future.