Dear Sun
Dear Sun,
In the twilight of my days, nostalgia rolls over me in waves
Admiring the past through rose-tinted lenses
Overlooking that the past disappointed when I lived it
Forgetting the notion that life has not changed
What has failed when history is glorified
My heart, my passion, or my intellect?
He had appeared from the clouds
Burning bright beyond compare
A beacon of hope to my wandering
His soft song resounded only in my ears
There could be no other, there would be no other
He was the one, my only sun
But the power he had caused agony
My sun afflicted great pain
I was left wondering how I had become a shell
Past me stood shaken and stripped to its core
Scorched of all meaning and purpose
Time is wasted reflecting into a murky pond
For dwelling on past only clouds the future
Look within, and steer from a present so grim
I must stand up strong against current inhibitions
A strong future built by a strong present
So I forget the sun and look past the horizon