Dear Bygone Friend

I remember the malicious,

Pure feigned intent

Of yours,

And my

Blackened heart and deadness of will

To continue;

The words unspoken,

Always weighed heavily upon my innermost life

But gladly bestowed by you;


“Because I am your best of friends

You shall submit, shall commit,

But not I,

I will not stoop

I will not make provision

For you will carry my failing,

Flailing form

From deep waters

But I will watch you drown

In your own despair, indeed;

And then join you gaily

And thrust myself upon you again.”


I can now see the truth of ways,

Expired friendship

With you,

And my

Wisened heart strives with newfound life

To meekly speak

The words unspoken,

Wounds freshly opened by such emboldened utterance

But gladly bestowed to you;


“Because I am redeemed in life
I shall submit, shall commit,
Not to you,
I will not stoop
But I will show forgiveness
For my Master has shown me love,
True mercy
For the kinship
We may never restore;
I forgive you for your wrongs
Then move myself along
And cause no friendship like ours again.”





True Friend



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