dear bunny

dear bunny

i’ll never give you up--i refuse

yes even if your sewn buttons are loose

your patched fabric doesn’t determine your worth

you’ve been mine since birth

if you could talk i wonder all the things you would say

if you could talk one thing i know

you’d never give my secrets away

you were there to see 

just how bad things got for sister & me

never minded the showers i gave you with my tears

you always listened as i whispered

my fears into those long fuzzy ears

the ones i always liked to chew, 

they tasted like home

one day after She had been too rough

that was the day we had had enough

together we didn’t need bags to pack

we were never looking back 

it was for good we were going away 

we weren’t going to stay another day

living under the kitchen table lasted hours

do you remember we had special powers

i could become invisible while you were invincible

only a dream

real you made it seem

it was all make believe and pretend 

i think you’re still my only friend

so thank you dear bunny

for never looking at me funny

never will we be apart

because you’ll always have a home in my heart



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