Dead on One's Feet
I wish to tell a tall tantalizing tale
Of when mischief misery came sneakingly stale
The heart of a unstable hungry person hang pale
And the naive nest of the heart was nastyingly nailed
To soon find the antagonizing angry anguish
That could no longer take the lashing languish
Words were violently and sensuously slung of sinful language
That should never be wickedly whispered and that’d rather be vanquished
The meek and mocking hole endlessly entrapped its meer soul
To ignore absolute highest haunting social control
To them so clumsily that they do not recognize the revolting corrupt cold
And the wayward slander thrown woefully ahold
The mind could not grasp the gruesome ghastly truth
That so subsequently speaking it went through the raging roof
And such became belligerently came apathetically aloof
That one’s oppressive meaningful mind was to provide with pure proof
One’s willful wondrous spirit grew grotesquely weary
And the colorful voluptuous vibrant world came too dastardly dreary
But the lugubrious low life assailant dares to make the morrow soul leary
Why does that frigid foul animosity strikes significantly so in sneering series?
The innocent soul can take so much pulverizing spiralling pain
And soon to feel so feebly unrighteously unruiningly disdained
That all the meritorious milestones are tediously torn maliciously by humane
So after all the severed sickening savaged demented mass of disabled people drove it insane
No more it pleaded quite pathetically and poorly
Trapped treacherous doors dangled before it insipidly and deplorably
What for? It cried and clamored injuriously to immensely implore
Send for an anchor towards its adverse abysmal hollow hurting soul offshore