Daughter of Silence
In the chthonian cacophony of this
Fast-paced world,
that never stops, never halts
Always turns, always runs,
Coffee drinking, Not really thinking
Humans scrambling: out of beds
into offices, through the door--
Everything hurriedly,
Without a breath-
Trying to beat, trying to compete
For the money, for the fame
For other reasons, I cannot name.
There is noise, there is chaos
Answers shouted, voices louder than..
Hush… Do you hear that?
The voice of a girl who longs to be heard?
Shhh...The soft whispers of answers,
The gentle tone that’s drowned in the
Murky waves of unnecessary sounds.
She may not be loud; may not be brave
But she has a voice; her soul a deep cave---
Oh, daughter of silence, where is your voice?
Tell the whole world what needs to be known.
Do they not embrace the demure reticence of
An introverted soul?
The peace that comes from within?
The thoughts that fill her head,
The words that fill her heart,
She does not know how to express.
Wait, don’t go; do come back;
Too late, she’s gone again.
Withdrawn, reclusive, hard to talk to
Intrusive in an extroverted world;
This self-forsaken girl.
She cannot be seen,
Nor is she heard,
So, how can she live
In this overly expeditious world?
Soon the Daughter of Silence
will have her word,
For now, she has no choice
But to remain the bay
On which the incessant sound waves
Continue to crash upon day after day.