I interfered, when it comes to chronic pain

It is a nightmare that has no end,

It brings on more sins,

Darkness is making a home

To a place, it never belonged,

I stood up in the best of my own ability

To set myself free from this agony,

I personally endured a chronic nightmare.

Those old wounds eating away on my spirit

Night and day while my world slips on by.

Oh, how I cry persistently in a battled I could never win,

I’m on my knees praying constantly,

To help me endure my own suffering’s.

I try so hard to not give my pains to no other

I act as if I’m doing just fine

Just trying to get by…

But, others could see in my eyes my own agony

Is getting the best of me?

Oh, how the past where the words of he

That plague upon my mind.

This old darkness of he who cut me deep

Preys upon my every thought,

My every action…

He gives me a world of true torment

A misery of pain that never goes away,

He designed a darkness in my life

I remembered it wasn’t that long ago

When I felt so free…

until I met he who haunts me,

Now I am always paying the price ever since.

It is a pain that brings on rain

Where my body is having a tough time to defeat

Oh. My own sufferings

But then I have haters that comes around

Just to over load me with their hate of the town.

But, I stand up and don’t play with the clowns

They are crazy in their own darkness

I don’t need their mess,

I have enough going on in my own life to deal with.

Oh, the pain my inner self is suffering

My spiritual life is very weak,

I even get where I don’t like to eat

When I sleep, all I do is dream about he how haunts me,

The old wounds that scared my heart of long ago

Keeps trying to still my soul

But I won’t let go…

So, pity on all of you who stands around

To put lies and guilts on me…

Putting me in the darkness where sorrow feeds

Just to keep me bleeding out like ink,

Where the truth once was my very best friend

Until darkness started swallowing away my trueness,

All I have right now is oppressing desires

Where love is always denied in my life,

No one seems to understand my chronic pain

That has been taken over me,

To take in a life’s credulity

Where lies lay around in my mind

Where the essence, to slowly kill my spirit.

I’m at a cruel steady pace

Where the light is slowly sleeping away

Where are the Shapers that supposed to watch over me?

To keep me clean?

All I see around me are the ruthless ones

That keeps talking their trash

But someday that trash will burn,

And I will stand around and watch it burn into the ground,

Where you will all take back your shame and blames,

God sees everything.

Oh, life of pain you have fathom my life

You have taken everything from me

But somehow, I’m still standing on my own two feet

That God has given to me.


Poetic Judy Emery © 2017 Time 6:45 PM 017


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