Brothers and Sisters
In Yellow and Stripes of Black
They did fight for freedom, did they
They were considered to be Dirty
They were killed,
Brothers, Sisters
My Brothers, Sisters
They were,
And in a way they are our distant cousins
They would have been
For we haven’t seen
How many of those
Would have become Teachers,
Thinkers, Philosophers, Leaders,
all together Good Men and Women
To live in this World is a digit unknown
Why were my smaller brothers and sisters
Killed? What crimes did those little ones with sweet little hearts do?
We heard and saw some were being shot with their visions being covered
While others cloths were ripped and were s……. assaulted
Didn’t it come to your minds how many hidden singers and poetess would have suffered?
They were killed brothers and sisters, they were my brothers and sisters
Of Yellow and Black stripes
Those killers are the ones
Who are the truly dirty rouges
Lead by one with White attire locked by blood shot Red shawl
Destroying the very meaning
Of the colour symbolizing purity
Shame on you criminal,
You will suffer from the start
On the final day of judgment
My brothers and sisters
We will fight for you
In smaller amounts and multiply in rapid numbers and
We will bring in change
We believe we can
You were of Yellow and Black Stripes
But we two are one, ones of the same blood
We shall Stand, Fight, Shout,
Scream, Protest, Strike for you
We are with you our Cousins
I was sad Brothers and Sisters
But I sensed sadness lead to nothing
So I shall rise
Shout, protest, scream we need your support too
For them who are also One
by the fluids of the same colours of
Red and White and our Blood Cells are pure
And the language which we communicate
are common amongst us both and me and we all are humans with a heart
So we assure you we will Fight for you our Brothers and Sisters
But still isn’t there a way
To live in peaceful harmony
With each other?
Is it to think such
Is a sin?
both you and we
have sinned
at least now we can
work together for the future
and for their generations, and make the world a better place, think.