The sky looked down on fields of grey, the blood of towers drifting onto a concrete street
A street, nothing more, a street cold and dead, weeped from the loss of thousands.
9-11-2001, the day the world changed, a morning secured in our hearts and the anals of infamy
All because of hate, a pointless hate brought on by the lust for power and greed in the world.
Out of our greatest tragedy, we rose fragmented, not united, tearing down those nations we blamed for our pain
With guns, bombers ablaze, we tried to steal back the love they stole from us on that fateful day.
The sky looked down on canals of red, the wounds of 200 screaming to God
A street, nothing more, a street cold and dead, rested at their feet.
A finish line few would cross framed in the distance, against an ever-darkening sky
All because of hate, a pointless hate directed at a nation unrelated to the struggles of the bombers themselves.
Out of a newfound tragedy, they wanted us to rise fragments, declaring war on worlds far removed in the search of vengence
With explosions bright, they wanted us to prove our strength, and make the world know our suffering.
The sky, instead, looked down on hope blooming like a flower in hell
A city, nation, and world united stood as one for once, all eyes fixed on my city.
A town that started a revolution held up it's pride and began another
All because of hate, a pointless hate, one that aimed to break our wills and shatter our ideals
Out of the torture rose strength and solidarity, and a declaration of love instead of war
With shirts reading "Boston Strong", we showed the planet what we are really made of.
This is Boston.
Together we stand,
Together we dream,
together, one city, one love