Being me
Zoning out is not a pain
the feeling of dancing through the rain
And feeling it kiss your cheeks
like it hasn’t done for weeks
or maybe even years
because you couldn’t see through the tears
or you didn’t listen to the joyous tapping
as the rain danced clapping
on the roof of your house
because of mickey mouse
talking on the screen
that is worshipping you like a queen
and is sucking you in
so you cannot win
And one cannot be the same
being outside starts sounding lame
but we hide from the rain
and let it strain
to touch our faces
and remind us of long forgotten places
where we buried our past
trying to forget everything at last
but sometimes one must go feel the kisses
to remind us of old blisses
or maybe people we miss
who have disappeared into the abyss
and now long to give us a kiss
with the assistance of the rain