Behind The Curtain We Remain
The walls are black and the lines are blue
The curtains are draping around you,
For judgments there is no measure or amount
But for understanding-
Well, let me shut my mouth
Christian.Atheist. Mexican.
Muslim. Buddhists- White
Different cultures but the same strife
This life is not kind to one or the other
Yet we still treat each other like we come from separate Fathers
I am, a Mary in the Garden of Eden
Swayed into sin, I am Eve
My Adam is slipping right away from me
The schools expect so much yet care so little
I am the curtain the stands in the middle
So spare me remorse
Spare me pain
IF you really cared you'd know everyone is just the same
I am a sinner, but so are you
Christian. Atheist. Black.
Muslim. Buddhists. White
Who I am should not be measured in my
SEX , religion or the pigment of my skin
If I am gay or if I am straight
Behind this curtain I still remain,
they yell and they sing
Yet, Christians judge the "unholy"
AND atheist laugh at those "who are"
Behind this curtain lays so many scars
Christian. Atheist. Jewish.
Muslim. Buddhists. White.
Gay. Straight. Women. Men.
Behind this curtain I still remain
This curtain of society and propriety
This curtain of sexism and racism
This curtain that remains politically correct
But this curtain still remains
Though,who we are
will not change.