Beautiful Intensity
On a cold metal table,
and it smells cloyingly clean,
a hospital waiting room for body modification.
The room is too small. Feels even smaller
when the man walks in, displaces air;
scraggy beard, bullring,
four packaged needles and four
stainless steel bars.
“Gotta put these in the autoclave.
We’ll pierce your nipples first,
then the VCH,
then we’ll finish with your tongue.”
He’s done to soon. No time for apprehension.
Gloved hands prod my left nipple,
finding the perfect angle.
“A quick one-two and then I’ll put
the jewelry in. Take a deep breath
and hold it.”
I hold my breath, my yelp.
Push in, twist, push out.
Bright burning pain, explosion
of nausea, vision whiting out
and all I can hear is the ringing in my ears.
Riding an endorphin high,
don’t notice that the bar
is already in place. A work of art.
He pulls off his gloves to get a new pair,
walking to the autoclave for the next needle.