Be The Change
I just want to take a few minutes of your day,
To tell you about how we can truly change society's ways,
There's contamination everywhere,
from our televisions, our music,
our food and things that we drink,
To our government, our corporations,
and even what we think,
Each day we judge each other by the color of our skin,
Instead of fighting one another we should bring,
People together,
what matters it's what's within,
Aren't you tired of our government robbing and cheating?
Aren't you tired of the lying and stealing?
We point fingers at each other, laughing, ridiculing, calling names,
But it's only in ourselves to make a change,
We only have ourselves to blame,
We seem to worship money, just an object, that's insane,
When we should worship our God,
Who not only gave us our name,
He gave us our skin,
He made us who we are,
So you don't need make up, clothes and a car
To fit in
Even if you don't believe me he has given us everything,
and even if you do sin,
he still cares about you more than any friend,
Wake up and open your eyes,
Maybe all your life you've been told and taught lies,
Yes, You can sit there and deny,
But you may also decide,
to make a difference in your life,
And please don't just try,
Really do,
It's not up to me,
it's up to you
To let God in your life and that's the truth, \You may go to many different places for help,
But a life with out God is like a turtle without a shell,
I don't just want to speak about God,
I want to yell
because he is the very best,
I don't know how you can't tell,
Even through all your failure,
he only wishes you well,
And if it wasn't for him we'd all probably be in hell,
I know that's harsh but oh well,
There are a lot people who rap, sing and write,
But my purpose is to show you that God is right,
He is never wrong,
He is peace is the greatest storm,
He is the tiniest worm,
He is a bug,
He's in the walls, he's in a hug,
He's in you and me,
You can't tell me what he hasn't done for me,
There is nothing else that could be,
so beautiful,
And that is his love,
No one will EVER
compare to the one above