

Every person and every home has a story to tell;

We said our greetings and have we said our farewells.

We have cried and filled over the pool of tears;

As each day goes by we face all our fears.

We have had the expereince of a crushed hope;

A shattered dream and obstacles to cope.

How many times have we refused to look into the eye of a stranger;

Are we afraid to what meets the eye? Maybe fear, frustration, or anger.

The world tells us to just look into ourselves and not care of others;

It's no wonder why we are filled with bitterness and suffering since

we have forgotten our brothers.

I challenge and ask  those young people of this generation;

There are far more things to care about than materials, money, or even inflation!

Rise now and take a stand for those who are voiceless;

Face the lion's den like a knight awating for battle, with courage, bravery, and fearless.

Never let your fears stop you from being who you are;

You are meant to shine and not just survive but to make it far .

You are the only you that has ever existsed in this world;

And no one can do what you were meant to do so awaken once

again your dream-world.

Don't put off using your dreams and talents to help those around you;

Who knows maybe there's someone who needs an awakening too.



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