Arizona and Skittles
So apparently being a “black young man” means that I am up to no good
And I should be watched when I roll up into your neighborhood
Being a “black young man” means I’m going sell drugs
Because that’s what a “black young man” does
And the system say’s being a “black young man” is enough of a reason for Trayvon Martin to get shot
When he was caught in Zimmerman’s block
But it’s not just being black
You can be in any minority group
But in the wonderful red, WHITE, and blue
They’ll never care about you
And I’m not saying the white man’s the devil
But we all know that if Trayvon Martin was a little white boy
And Zimmerman was an old black man
His ass would never see the light of day
But wanna know what I told my dad after the verdict?
I said that “I’m glad that Zimmerman is free”
And that everyone’s upset
Because now our eyes are open
To the corruption in our system
No more impaired vision
Now that we know it
Now we can change it
So no one else has to go through the same shit
Now we have a reason protest it!
But wait!
Don’t go and grab your pitch forks and torches
I know I’m about to sound like a hippie
But peaceful protest
Is your best bet
Because want to know what people get when acting like a Neanderthal
Nothing at all
We will just fuel the idea that we’re all savage second class citizens
And if that happens the big guys won’t listen
And yes I know
Being peaceful is like taking the long way to our destination
But MLK did it
And am pretty sure he did a lot more than the violent angry black man
If I’m not mistaken
So enjoy some skittles as we wait
And pour out nice cold can of Arizona
Not just for Trayvon
But for everyone who has died because of a man with a gun in his hand
And ignorance in his head