Anger So Genuine.
Dear Diary
I don’t need her, but I want her.
I don’t mean to, but I love her.
But she’s my best friend.
She makes me able to transcend.
I can’t love her, because of what she did.
But the thing is I can’t remember what that was.
Which makes me just love her because.
Damn it, I hate her so much for doing this to me.
I should be with her, not them.
I don’t know why I need her, but I do.
She was the only one that made me feel better,
When I had a flu.
I care so much for her,
She’s the only one that I prefer.
But she just makes me so angry because
She wastes her time on others, and not me.
She is the only one that makes me happy.
She can have all my love and comfort.
Something I wouldn’t give away to my mother.
But right now I resent her for leaving me
I can’t think straight, they’ll charge me with third degree,
For loving her too much, too hard
Which I will never ever let disregard.