How honorable can it be to be in the military?
You protect the interests of those you do not know, you protect some politicians who you don't know,
some say they fight So that others won't have to,
some do it so that the little kids won't have to, how true can that be, but what they don't see,
is that they were once the little kids in need, how much has changed? We still fight, how short is our sight,
we think we see the light, but we know it isn't, despite what we know, we continue to think that this road we've taken serves the best thinking,
but we don't think, we think we know so we don't dwell our thoughts in those who think differently, swiftly killing us, nobody was smart to start, but half of these people think they've got a head start, they think their ideas are right, that they can't be wrong,
Walk in the world, how intense the stench of corruption and death, How deep does it burn when I see this allowed,
when I see all of the peoplethrown down, throw down their lives for wars and fights, it proves nothing,
but that we are a country, a country with greed for oil and things, greedfor money and powerful steeds,
a country who fights to fix other wrongs, when we can't even uphold our own laws,
when our leaders simply can't uphold the law to themselves,
why would they they hold themselves accountable when no one else will? leaders who care for nobody but themselves,
they lack the integrity that we need ourselves, we want a shining example, but they're just a reflection,
so why is it that we always blame them? We put them in power, we set them up,
then after we just wait till their time is up then we rejoice because we get to make a new choice, but we are too lazy,
we will vote for a name, not for a person, just whoever has the most money in this game, not what they stand for,
not for their history, how I hope we have an epiphany. See what we are doing wrong,
see the amount of lies that are given along as truth and fact, We listen and take it as that, but we know they lie,
bend the truth to hopefully bend you and the youth.
You know our leaders lie, more often than not are they despised for crimes against the people, against the country,
but what do we do? We go to another country to fight their(politicians) war, to fight for "good",
but how good is the country that has no mind and is all brute, seventeenth in education,
number one in military spending, do you not see something that is trending? Number two in ignorance,
apart of numerous wars, is this the life you want to leave to your sons and daughters? One like this?
As a superpower you'd hope we could persist, and be a superpower in education and informed society,
but maybe we like our mindless lives, let us live in line with the minds of the rich,
where they can say nice things and pretend to stitch, hopefully this awakens you from an ignorant bliss,
but understand this now that you've read this, not everyone is bad, not everything is terrible,
but I tend to see our world in shambles, political criminals, underhanded tactics landing people in the highest of offices,
do what's right, no matter the odds, so you know that in the end you weren't a cause.