an amendment of a nation

Fri, 04/06/2018 - 19:09 -- Hfire

our nation is strong but within the constitutionality of the


that congress pretends arent being taken

there is a revolution brewing and the kids are taking a stand.

this is our chance to make a change

the children standing up and marching because prayers and opression by the


our states voted in will not silence us

we stand as one and we will scream their names into the heavens 

the lives lost this year alone

58 massacres

its barely been four months.

we stand for amendment

an amendment to a nation

an amendment where our voices will be heard because

im just a kid

but im not a kid

im a victim

im a target

im the name that,

when im shot down in my algebra class

politicians wont even remember.

im the teacher who took a bullet for the valedictorian

im the twitter handle whos selfies will be the only evidence that i ever existed

im the grave the politicians will not visit

im the bulletholes the doctor couldnt make stop bleeding in time

So no, im not a kid

i am an amendment and a sacrifice

i am the future 

i am one of the voices who will scream until violence

ends in action and not prayers

i am the end of a century of opression and murder and hate

i dont get to be a kid

i get to stand up

i get to scream

i get to vote, and i will vote, and i will vote the opressors out

I am here and this isnt the end

i am here and i am an amendment to a nation of death

This poem is about: 
My community
My country


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