Am I Too Much Heart Or Is It Just Cholesterol
I bash my head on the walls until it cracks open
I let everything pour out soupy and thick
like egg yolks
thoughts and ideas drain from me as they pour down my face
I'm not even sure what it means
It's just a jumbled mess of broken dreams
over my eyes they bleed
emotions, memories,wishes
I kiss them goodbye as they drip over my lips
my tongue sticks out for a small taste
salty and warm
the contents of my head are blue and pulsing
throbbing and aching trying to swallow me
I bash my head against the walls some more
this time
everything spills out like water
drenching me in a cold clammy embrace
my eyes dance at the back of my head
spinning spinning I lose balance
I look at my paper
a messy jumble of words
It's not supposed to make sense
its from my head
my leaky head, dripping out nonsensical things
like dreams, like passions, like this
what the hell is this...
I need some duct tape
to patch up these holes in my brain
In myself
to put back all the missing pieces that I was looking for
that were never missing in the first place
before I self destruct from everything bottled up
if only I could find the right words
so I don't choke up inside
so I can let everything out how it should be
out of my head
out of my head and onto some paper
what the hell is this?!
is that supposed to be me
spilled all over the floor
sliding down poised fingers
curling,winding over a piece of paper
a beating thing to much heart not enough brain
crying out for help
before being silenced by something more loud and vibrant
the contents of my brain are pulsing and blue
It sticks to the things I want to keep vibrant and loud
It keeps them under wraps
hush little baby, your wrong it says
so sometimes I have to bash my head on walls
to keep the hungry things out