Alphabet Soup
For those of you who have a BURN BOOK... This is different. Not really.
JS- My first kiss, nice enough kid.
TH- Angry Anakin, such a moodie cutie. Well, Padme didn't stick around.
NK- Archery lessons, Awkward twister, and you STILL like Twilight! Who knows?
LM- WHY. WHY? You don't even LOOK like Daniel Radcliffe!
TM- But... we went to see the Whale Sharks! HOW did we never become a thing?
CH- Okay FINE, I did think you were cute-ish. But I never get a word in edgewise.
IM- Drawing portraits of each other- how could I NOT have a crush?? (Gorgeous btw)
PL- I respected her opinion too much. "I'm so sorry"- Frank (Donnie Darko)
DB- I bet we would have been a stressed-out pair, you drama queen! :P
BC- Did you strike a bet with D or something?
JM- Such indecision, just date the cute Merida-lookalike. I'm not mad about it.
JC- Yeah, my note-passing was TOTALLY platonic (eye-roll)
ED- Even I can't help you solve problems that you don't realize you have! :(
EM- With that hair and incredible cranium underneath, you're flawless. No living up to that.
DM- Yes, you probably were a Time Lord in a past life. Spoilers ;)
RO- Can't you just TELL me you like guys instead of leading me on? THANKS.
BG- Do you wanna build a DeathStar?? x)
BM- No, I can NEVER take you seriously. Your initials say it all, dear.
NF- Well, the CIA is a big deal I guess...
AM- Good morning, love!