An adjective meaning very near or not quite.
What a terrible word that holds a painful truth.
I dread these six letters, as anyone would.
They are six letters that continuously separate me from what could have been.
“Almost” is what I call a marvelous tale of tragedy, in which I have many.
But above all of these tales, my favorite will inevitably always be you.
Or us.
Whatever we were.
More than friends but less than commitment i guess you could say.
What a tragedy we were.
We broke so quietly, yet I noticed.
I felt you pulling away ever so slightly, and I decided it was best to ignore it.
When it was all over with, it took every ounce of my being to just let you leave,
To watch you abandon everything we ever had, so easily.
It took every piece of me not to beg you to stay like I normally would have done.
To accept that I was better off without you,
That there is no going back to what we used to be.
And to live with the fact that you will always be my most painful
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