against all odds
Against all odds I will succeed, I will be what doubting mouths said I can’t be.
Success is the achievement of something intended or desired, my desire is to reach higher to be brighter.
As a child I felt dummer than the other kids my mother would tell me if they can do it you can too.
Growing up in the cruel south my grandfather was deprived of an education his generation fought for civil right and equality.
I want my generation of young people to be great thinker discovering new inventions and cures.
As a young woman I want to use my mind instead of my body in today’s society
Against all odds I will not let negative words, doubts, naysayers, or my past hold me back.
I will not be just another statistic, I will graduate high school attend college and become a pediatric neurologist.
I truly believe nothing is impossible with the help of God and my family’s support.
The sky is not even the limit for me.
Against all odds I will surmount obstacles doubts and my fears that I let hold me back for years.
The voices that have said “you can’t” or “you won’t” through the years are silenced in my ears