I always try to imagine something good coming out of what I am about to do
And then it gets knocked down with a
"what if?"
I feel so confident
I feel like anything in that moment is possible
That maybe this is my time
I'm told that I need more
But can't be told what that more is
I go places where I am told "No"
What was that more?
It frustrates me
I want to be accepted
What am I missing?
I grew up hiding in in a tight space
In my head
I go to it when I feel rejected
Don't fool this space as a paradise
It's so hot, wet, full of worries and many dark nights
It's a continuous maze that feels like there is an ending but you won't know until you hit a wall
I have tried to give this space a light
But when that "what if" becomes a reality
Darkness floods
I want to be accepted
And that's the darkness in my head