I used to be happy and joyful and free
Now life has put its shackles on me
And all this stuff’s built up inside
But I have no more tears to cry
I’d say I thought what we had was real
Though it’s more than just my thoughts you steal
I knew exactly when I’d go
And now I just don’t even know
I’d like to believe in the things you said
But the things you said are good and dead
I can’t believe what you’ve done to me
It’s so surreal it could be a dream
But we both know I don’t dream anymore
It’s only nightmares that reach my door
Don’t, won’t, can’t, they’re all the same
All are remnants of my shame
Of the life I thought that I could have
Turns out happiness is just a fad
I used to believe in fairy tales,
But they’re just stories when all else fails
And all those wonderful things you said would come true
You said to believe them but I can’t believe you