"על המיטה שלי."- On My Bed


Hard days work...

Constant tasks... chizzling away at my soul

Wishing for nothing... wishing for quitness

Laying on my bed...

Peace and calm-Tranquility

Though, two sides of the coin...

Emptyness... In my Surroundings and internaly

Only remedy...?

Crammed in my bed with her...

Our speach is a loud roar in my ear to drown out the sounds of the constant tasks...

awaiting to whisp me away from nirhvana

But when i'm on my bed with her... it is a soft whisper

Not enough time... to many tasks.... lack of words

Writing....writing is effortless... electing which words to use, which words matter.... impossible

You only write once, when it conveys you love well, then I am on my bed....

It is... Tranquility



I like the whole thing i asume.

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