It's Like


13710 S. Chadron Ave, apartment # 6 Hawthorne, CA
United States

It's like I feel like my grandparent's only grandchild and my mother's only child.

So, what am I to do when everything is just so crazy around me. And because of 

the drama that they are causig me I also feel like they are slowly causing my death.

Sometimes, I just wish I was in a movie and never came back to this place that I

call home. So, I sleep all the time cry in private sit in the dark and now it also feels

like to me that I'm getting fat. But now I'm starting to contemplate whether or not I

wanna live anymore. I really can't do this anymore, you know I respect my family

but It's like fuck you when is somebody going to care about me and what I think 

besides themselves.

This poem is about: 
My family


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