
Sun, 11/18/2012 - 22:20 -- RMunson


United States
45° 36' 46.1268" N, 122° 16' 37.254" W

The person that lay by me
is soft, white, and cold;
The ceiling right above us
is crowded with green mold.
I can hear the drops of water
from rusty pipes they fall.
There's a spider spinning its web
that hang helplessly on the wall.
"Wake up," I say to the girl
that lay right beside me.
I run my hands across her arms
but she cannot see.
I get up from the bed
that lay flat with stains.
I drag myself to the bathroom
where bugs crawl from the drains.
I return to the room
where she lay on the bed.
I never thought I'd spend the night
with a person that is dead.


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