Paint pallet
My canvas is stained with memories
Ink seeping from its white sheets like blood
Pooling into puddles of thoughts, feelings, expressions
The red rage that builds up inside me
The charcoal black that hides me
The deep blue sadness that flows through me
The mud brown confusion
The dark gray fear
The rusty manipulation
The transparent anxiety
All the colors i’ve been painted
Marking my soul, my skin, the floor
Running into rivers that flow for miles
The hues and shades swirling and mixing together
Until my soul has been stripped of all its color
Till i stand a blank canvas
Ready to be transformed into a work of art
But this time i choose the colors
Mix thousands of pigments together
Scratch my brush across my pallet
To paint something beautiful
I may never be able to wash out the stains that once splattered my canvas
But i can color over them
Poppy orange adventure
Sun yellow happiness
Pastel purple calm
Leaf green peace
Soft pink love
Sky blue inspiration
Light gray empathy
Any color it takes to achieve clarity
The brushes soft dyed bristles will stroke again and again
Swirling, sweeping, etching
Till my canvas is empty no more
And the stains have been painted over.