A crooked stick

Psalm 83:13 

13 O my God, make them like dead thistles,
like dead weeds blown away by the wind


Still, The Lord can give a straight blow with:

A crooked stick


Treason cried the culprit … a life build on lies

Blaming everybody for the condition of his “life”

An always robbing bandit in whom many confide

Yes he is too sorry as he ruins many a simple wife


Looking like a mystic … smiling as a coon

Rotten to the core … bringing many to their doom

He promises the hectic … a part of his cartoon

As he rises with their hopes in his own hot-air balloon


T.V. made him famous with the help of many demons

Sent me a dollar is the end of his repeating sermons

He is so callous as he pukes out all this venom

In his love for affluence he’ll try to buy Mount Hermon


Jan Wienen

This poem is about: 
Our world


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