I Stay Up Late

Tue, 02/26/2019 - 00:35 -- emonnin

I stay up late

Sometimes because I need too

But most of the time, its simply because I can


I like the early hours between 1 and 3 the best

When the world is quiet

The drunks are in bars and the sane asleep

It's just me and the vast quiet world


And You might think it’s calm

But then you'd be wrong

As that’s actually far from the truth


For now, is when my mind starts spinning

The world tilts and whirls around and around

Down bright alleys, dark streets

Till all the world is mine


Some nights it's beautiful

And I'm standing at the tip of the Eiffel tower

Gazing out over the city of love


And then I feel the sudden urge to jump

To plummet

And then I’m standing on the cliff

The jagged rocks from below laugh at my cowardice

I want to jump but I can’t

I am not brave, I am terrified


The wind rushes around me threatening to push

But I push back

I don't want this, Right?

I don't want this,




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