Unspoken Insomnia: An Experience
Eight o'clock pm
Perfect time to get some rest in
I've set the alarm
Placed my pillows just right
I lay my head and hold my bear tight
But the monsters under my bed
The man inside my head
They know that in eighth grade I puked
Not only did I puke but I puked all over the teacher's shoes
And not only did I puke all over the teacher's shoes but with a puke of bright orange and chunks of chicken and Cheetos
They know that in ninth grade I almost had my first kiss
They also happen to know that my almost first kiss was an utter failure
They know every embarrassing moment in my life in excruciating detail
From what color shirt I wore to the way his lips touched my... chin
They know that it's these thoughts that keep wide awake and riddled with anxious insomnia
I check the time... it is now 11:06 pm
How? If only three hours ago I had meant to get some rest in
But I stay stuck
On one thought at first
and then another
and then another
and then another
and the cycle continues until I check the clock again only to find that it's One o'clock am
But how?
I made the plan
I set the alarm
I placed the pillows just right
I held my bear and I held him tight
But I guess it just wasn't enough
Oh no!
There goes another thought
And just like that, I am caught in another series of spiraling thought
I check the clock
and as I see it my insides begin to rot
"3:25 am"
Can someone just place a chloroform filled up against my nose and knock me out?
It'd be easier than having to deal with the man inside my head
Easier than having to listen to that voice living inside my head
It'd be easier than being stuck in an endless loop of spiraling thought
With no notion on how it can be fought
Helpless, I lay
I turn off my phone and begin to say:
"There is no monster, there is no man"
"There is no monster, there is no man"
I repeat it over and over with no end
However, there is still no stop to the twitching of my hand
I force myself to drift
Shutting my eyes does not do much
it doesn't shut the monster
nor does it shut the man
it only shuts my eyes, my vision
In fact, the monster begins to roar and the Man begins to yell
They grow the louder
"Count backward from fifteen"
You'll understand what I mean
Take this time for yourself
And drift to sleep.