Why I Breathe

I write because it is the only way to express the things I cannot say. I write because no one ever has to see what I write. I write because it allows me to explore my innermost feelings and beliefs. I write to remember the good times. I write to forget the bad times. I write so that I never lose myself as the world passes me by. I write to figure out who I truly am. I write to quell my fears and to soothe my pain. I write to imagine a different world. I write to change the world. I write to never let myself forget the things most important to me. I write as if I want the whole world to listen. I write as if no one will ever hear me. I write to discover things I didn’t even know about myself. I write because the one thing in my life I can trust completely is the paper. I write to fight reality. I write in the hopes of changing my reality. I write to have control over the things I don’t. I write to revel in my sorrow. I write to relive my joy. I write to create my dreams. I write to shatter my nightmares. I write to get what I can never have. I write to keep what I am losing and what has already been lost. I write to remember the things I never want to lose. I write to catalog my life. I write so that no one will forget me. I write to breathe.


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