Life Is.

LIFE is hilarious at its best, deserves a chuckle at its worst.

It almost always yeilds a situation deserving your attention, half given, because it could be over in an instant.

LIFE can put you on a bus to Buffalo, NY with really no intended destination or thing worth striving for.  At least it seems that way when you pass under the streetlights, streaking light paths across the memories you find yourself running from. You chuckle to yourself thinking of how you were seemingly rooted to the spot of your exisitence, but  now you flow so freely from state to state.

A tunnel passes over you and you feel the pitch blackness of the absence of light, the street light at the end of the tunnel makes you reflect on LIFE once more. 

And you rest at ease knowing that you'll be alright, quietly giggling to yourslef, knowing you'll be okay, at the end of your tunnel.



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