Till Death Do Us Part
Growing up you're told that love is :Patient Kind Unconditional Good days with bad arguments Flaws that are accepted regardless and are greatly Appreciated But no one ever advised me that your love would come with: Rules Regulations Stupidity Pain Carelessness Disrespect Pessimistic attributes And countless females that knew more about OUR "Relationship" Then I did That's not what my parents expected from their princess, whom they've groomed since birth to never settle. But instead of giving up, I stayed. Not because I loved you, Or the way you made me feel, Or the way you looked at me I stayed because I grew accustomed to a false sense of Security You lead me to believe we were best friends and that You'll always have my best interest at heart I later learned that while I was loaning my trust to you, You were coaxing me down a hell hole Years later I applaud you for showing me what not to "...Have and to hold, or till death do us part" We will never speak again so this is truly my farewell. Thank you for pushing me away from you and into The arms of a man that'll forever cherish me, Like you never could