I Am Enough
I am a broken girl, sorry, I was a broken girl.
I was beaten down and pushed away,
Forced into a corner and left to break.
The walls, oh how they caved in around me
I drowned in the darkness, it closed her ugly hands around my throat
I couldn't keep my head above the waves.
I am a broken heart, sorry, I was a broken heart.
I lay in bed as self pity took it's hold
Told myself I didn't belong in this world.
Drown my sorrows by taking pills,
Watched as my family broke down in tears.
I put up my walls, I built them so high.
No one could tear them down
Behind them I told myself I was all alone,
But You told me differently.
You told me I had hope and a future,
A love that no one could take away.
I watched as Your scarred hand reached into the darkness,
You grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.
I am a broken girl, sorry, I was a broken girl.
But You, my Savior, told me