My First Poem
The first time I wrote a poem
I was in third grade
Down the side of my page I wrote the word May
May flowers bloom
Always sunny skies
You can smell the buds on the trees
That was the first poem I ever wrote,
Since then poetry has changed a lot for me
It's been an outlet
For anger, sadness, loneliness
A go to comforter.
My first poem, I wrote at school
With a teacher standing over my shoulder
Telling me which lines should have so many syllables
And which words should rhyme
I cut out a flower from construction paper
And glued it to my poem
I handed it to my teacher
To grade,
So she could tell me if I did a good enough job.
The restrictions set by the class were beginning to take a toll on me
My words clogged my arteries
They had nowhere else to go
I feared for a stroke
I was only in third grade
But I knew that this wasn’t the way that poetry was supposed to work.
The first time I wrote a poem for myself
I was in eighth grade
I wrote a ballad for my tire swing
How I hoped to touch the sky one day
I spent that year lost in a world of poetic diction
An ode for everyone and everything
That ever made a difference,
Life was either wonderful
Or the worst thing that ever happened to me
In poetry there is no in between
The freedom of free verse was more than one person could handle
I spoke poems
Heard poems
Saw poems in everything
I ate poems for breakfast
And brushed my teeth with them before bed
After years of searching
I thought I had found something worth waking up for
After years of pretending
I thought I had finally found myself.
The first time I gave up on poetry
I was in ninth grade
My English teacher told me there was no time
For creativity
We analyzed and synthesized
We read books older than my Grandfather - classics
We learned the difference between wanton and Wonton
I tried to write my poetry
But after homework and essays and a job
All I wanted to do was sleep,
AP and honors took up all of my life
There was no time for poems
Teachers and counselors decided
My future would benefit if I started college, the same day I started high school
Because education is everything
But what is the point of education
When it goes no farther than the school walls?
The first time I gave up on poetry
Was the first time I gave up on myself,
I stopped listening to my heart
And only listened to the people around me
Convinced that life is a competition
I did everything I could to get to the top
I stopped caring about what mattered to me
And only about what mattered to others
I watched my friends and classmates to the same
The stress of life was quickly pooling up around me
A flood, I could not stop
The waters pushed against me until finally
I broke.
Now I write poetry in my bedroom
By the light of a single lamp
Late at night when my brain is running in personified circles
Coming up with hyperbolic metaphors
To captivate an abstract audience
That resides only in the labyrinth of my mind.
Poetry, has become more than a way to write
It's become a way to think
To look at life
Speaks through lines of rhyme
Through words with double meanings
Similes that are so cliche I want to cry.
Sometimes the words stop coming
And you write for hours and hours
And you come up with nothing
They call that writers block
But I like to call it a poetry drought
Because when I write it rains
Hyperboles fall from the sky
Like lonely similes that drip from the leaves
Of symbolic tress
That grow from metaphoric dirt
Lightning cracks, shooting creativity through my veins
I overflow on words
My brain feels like it might explode
If I don't write faster - get them out,
I can't stop the flow that comes from with in
Once it starts it’s not going to stop anytime soon
Winding a river through me and out onto the page
Where the words arrange themselves into patterns
That even sometimes I don't understand
But that's not the point
Of Poetry,
It doesn't always make the most sense
The closest writing that will ever come to life
The most abstract
Unique styles are the ones we like best
The cubism of literature
When I write I draw a masterpiece with my words
My pen guides them into place
But nothing more
It's my heart that tells them what to mean.
The first time I wrote a poem
I was in third grade
Down the side of my page I wrote the word
May flowers bloom
Always sunny skies
You can smell the buds on the trees.