Why I'm Flawless


United States

my nice beautiful hair, skin tone, and perfect teeth is what makes me flawless the person I want and have really makes me flawless me getting my full education through grammar school, high school, and college is what states me into being flawless maybe not using correct punctuation makes me flawless lol but thats fine I can do that do i have to pay money to be flawless no i dont its already here once you look at me but you know what they say thats none of my business why others may feel flawless some take being flawless as mocking someone else styles being stated as a "bad bitch" but no actually in my eyes its me seeing you as a fit in ever thought as our beautiful black nubian queens as being flawless never have they once have to post a picture being half naked to get men attention now adays men get the other message not just an oooh she look sexy with her bra on taking a picture but now as how close can i get to her insides most likely those nubian queens basically walked outside and there was the thirst to some up everything me being myself is what makes me flawless 

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:) good

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