Perfectly: not Perfect.

When I was told to  write on how I was flawless,

I dont think the people realized how small I was;

So I guess its a good thing I have a big heart,

but I'm really not sure where to start.

My beauty seems to be so little, its hard for people to see.

They seem to focus on others and not me.

My heart seems to be so big, I  think it fills my whole head.

but still keeps beating when I go to bed.

My beauty is filled with hard work and dedication, both to my work and my country. 

but today it seems im in a battefield with reality.

To escape the theory that thin is pretty and if you show more, you get more. 

I'm here to fight that thin maybe pretty.. for a pizza.

And the more you show, the more of yourself you let go.

My modesty is elegent and simple, my smile is geninue even if it makes my eyes crinkle.

My goals are to save the world, and then some people.

So when I think of my flawlessess, I think of a diamond.

Small and mighty, that can be cut and grinded.

but stil comes out looking beautiful and shiney as ever.






This poem is about: 
Our world


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